Manor Wines - Autunm/spring
Client : Doyen
Direction Nicolas Jandrain
DOP : Francois Starr
Production : Visualmeta4
Executive Whokilljoe
Line Producer : Niki Michiels
Music : Come By (Ritter/Heeger/Vorländer/Körner)“
With kind permission of “2WEI Music GmbH, Future World Consulting & Publishing
Sound Design : SoundCube - Luc Laret
Active in France and Benelux, Doyen (part of PHE group) is a central player in the distribution of parts and services for professionals in the automotive world. The company plays a key logistical role in the distribution chain between the equipment manufacturer and the end consumer.
Doyen sought to cultivate loyalty and expand their brand network by crafting a new brand image and fostering a strong brand identity.
The primary value in Doyen's brand lies in its human aspect and the relationships with both distributors and final clients. The brand's video highlights this, portraying a continuous loop: starting from Doyen's suppliers, moving through the distributor, garage, reaching the final client, and then returning. 'Stronger together'.